List of Queer Composers

The List

The following alphabetical list is by no means complete. It shows queer composers represented by an identification letter:

L = Lesbian, G = Gay, B = Bisexual, T = Transgender/Transexual, I = Intersex, A = Asexual, N = Non-binary.

Composers are also classified by century and musical genre:

P = Pop/Mainstream, A = Art/"Classical" Music, M = Musical Theatre, F = Film/TV.

IdentifierComposer NameGenreCentury
T Alexander James AdamsP 21st
G Peter AllenP/M 20th
T Barbra AmesburyP 20th
T AnohniP 21st
G Howard AshmanM 20th
L Ruth AndersonA 20th
G Samuel BarberA 20th
B Nathan BarrF 21st
L Eve BeglarianA 21st
B Max BemisP 21st
G Lord BernersA 19th
G Leonard BernsteinA/M 20th
G Marc BlitzsteinA/M 20th
B Henriëtte BosmansA 20th
L Nadia BoulangerA 20th
B David BowieP 20th-21st
B Paul BowlesA 20th
T Natalie BraginskyA 21st
T Namoli BrennetP 21st
G Benjamin BrittenA 20th
T Cidny BullensP 20th-21st
G Sylvano BussottiA 20th
T Mya ByrneP 21st
L Madelyn ByrneA 21st
G John CageA 20th
T Wendy CarlosA 20th
T Dave CarterP 21st
L Meg ChristianP 20th
T Quinn ChristophersonP 21st
T Jessie ChungP 21st
T Katherine CollinsM 20th
G Aaron CoplandA 20th
G Arcangelo CorelliA 17th
G John CoriglianoA 20th-21st
T Jayne CountyP 20th-21st
G Noel CowardM 20th
G Henry CowellA 20th
T Elysia CramptonP 21st
G Peter Maxwell DaviesA 20th
I/T Vaginal DavisP 20th-21st
B Gabi Delgado-LópezP 20th
G David Del TrediciA 20th-21st
T Shea DiamondP 21st
B Ani DiFrancoP 20th
B Emil DimitrovP 20th
T DnashP 21st
G Julius EastmanA 20th
G Roger EdensM 20th
G Manuel de FallaA 19th-20th
T Maxine FeldmanP 20th
G Fernando 'Ferdinand' FeluxoP 21st
T Inti Logan Figgis-VizuetaA 21st
G William FinnM 20th-21st
G George ForrestM 20th
T Ezra FurmanP 21st
T Teddy GeigerP 21st
T Beverly Glenn-CopelandP 20th
G Charles Tomlinson GriffesA 19th-20th
G/A George Frederic HandelA 18th
G Lou HarrisonA 20th
G Hans Werner HenzeA 20th-21st
G Jerry HermanM 20th
L Jennifer HigdonA 20th-21st
L Hildegard of BingenA 12th
N Neo HülckerA 21st
T Charles Céleste HutchinsA/P 21st
L Janis IanP 20th-21st
T Mila JamP 21st
G Elton JohnP 20th
G John KanderM 20th-21st
T Skylar KergilP 21st
L Paula KimperA 20th-21st
B Iosif KotekA 19th
T Left At LondonP 21st
L Marilyn LernerA 20th-21st
B Anne LinnetP 20th-21st
L Annea LockwoodA 20th-21st
B Jean-Baptiste LullyA 18th
T Jennifer MaidmanP 20th-21st
G Colin McPheeA 20th
G Gian Carlo MenottiA 20th
B Andy MientusM 21st
G Dimitri MitropoulosA 20th
L Linda MontanoA 20th-21st
T Angela MorleyA 20th
T Ataru NakamuraP 21st
L Holly NearP 20th-21st
G Ivor NovelloM 20th
L Pauline OliverosA 21st
T/I Dee PalmerA/P 20th
N Kitt PhilippaP 21st
B Eva PolnaP 20th-21st
G Cole PorterM 20th
G Francis PoulencA 20th
G Maurice RavelA 19th-20th
T Hedra RowanA/P 21st
T Jess RowlandA/P 21st
T Patricia RibeiroP 21st
T James RobinsonP 20th-21st
B Tom RobinsonP 20th-21st
G Ned RoremA 20th-21st
T Deena Kaye RoseP 20th-21st
G Johann RosenmüllerA 17th
T Nomi RuizP 21st
G Camille Saint-SaënsA 19th-20th
G Franz SchubertA 19th
T Ice SeguerraP 20th-21st
G Marc ShaimanP/M 20th-21st
T Lucas SilveiraP 21st
B Bessie SmithP 20th
L/B Ethel SmythA 19th/20th
N Brin SolomonC 21st
G Stephen SondheimM 20th-21st
G Michael StipeP 20th-21st
B John StraussF 20th
G William Thomas StrayhornP 20th
N Tami TP 21st
N Chrysanthe TanP/A 21st
T Ramon Te WakeP 21st
G Conrad SusaA 20th
G Karol Maciej SzymanowskiA 20th
G Pyotr Ilich TchaikovskyA 19th
G Virgil ThomsonA 20th
G Michael Tilson ThomasA 20th-21st
L Nurit TillesA 20th
G Michael TippetA 20th
T Mari Ésabel ValverdeA 21st
G Rufus WainwrightP 20th-21st
B Malcolm WilliamsonA 20th
G Cris WilliamsonP 20th-21st
G Scott WittmanP/M 20th-21st
G Robert WrightM 20th


There has been an erasure of queerness in the music industry that has gone on for far too long. It is so important for LGBTQIA+ music makers to be visible and inspire younger generations in this community so that they know they are welcome in the music industry. Also for those who are not a part of this community to understand the wealth that comes from LGBTQIA+ music.

Going into my 5th academic year of teaching, I was tired of using mostly straight, white, male composers harking from the usual canon I had been indoctrinated with during my education. I had recently come out as a non-binary person so I wondered where I could find queer composers - songwriters, music creators - who I could feature in my teaching materials. I asked a colleague who said “Well there mustn’t be very many queer composers. You can’t only teach Tchaikovsky”… I also found no online resources that listed composers by their gender identities or sexual orientation. So I started my own list in August 2018 to help me organise my research and ensure I could represent music from the most diverse background possible within the LGBTQIA+ community.

As I started compiling this list I was surprised again and again to find some of my most loved composers were actually from the queer community. While I was initially overjoyed finding this out, I soon became angry. Why was their sexual orientation/gender identity left out by my teachers, by researchers, publishers, record labels, venues… I am glad to say I have already proven my colleague wrong, that there is a plethora of queer composers throughout history. So I hope that this list can shed some light on the queer composers of the past, be a beacon for those of today and strengthen our queer community.

Reference Material

My first reference point was The Queer Encyclopaedia of Music, Dance and Musical Theatre, published in 2004. It is apparent this book did not, nor did it try to contain a definitive list. While this book’s publishers from the GLBTQ Encyclopaedia Project continued adding articles online until 2015, their website has since been archived, so the topical indexing used to help navigate their resources and therefore help identify composers in this encyclopaedia has been lost for any entries since the 2004 publication.

Work in progress

After working through the list of composers in the 2004 publication I noticed a lower representation of trans, bisexual and lesbian composers. While Wikipedia has a list of LGBT composers, this was not helpful for immediately finding composers from each sub-group within the LGBTQIA+ community. So at this point I found the Wikipedia category: Bisexual Musicians helpful and populated those who identify as composers in my list. Next, in the category: Transgender and transsexual musicians, there was still a lack of trans people who identify as composers so I included songwriters in my list as well as this playlist of trans composers. An initial search for lesbian composers produced this list of Lesbian American Composers who have also been included.

Next Steps

Further consolidation of composers and songwriters from the Wikipedia lesbian, gay and bisexual musicians category lists is needed to bring my list into complete alignment with what has been taken from the trans musician category list. Furthermore, cross referencing to the LGBT category list of composers is also needed. More research in identifying composers from every part of the LGBTQIA+ community will be ongoing. So watch this space for future updates! Any contributions are most welcome and can be made in the comments below or by contacting me through my contact form.